Saturday, October 20, 2012

Whats for dinner??

This is one of the most asked questions besides, " whats on your list today"? What's for dinner? Dinner is family time. A time we all get together and talk about our day. So today I'm going to show you whats for dinner in my house. Meat and potatoes stew. I'm using 2 great things my leftovers, and my crock pot.  We had ribs last night and had leftovers.
 So i just took the left overs and put them in the frig. In the crock pot. So today I just have to pot them back in the cooker. Then turn it back on and add the potatoes
 and 2 cups water
 and I just got to let them cook for 4 hrs on high. I love my crock pot it has a timer and at the end of the time it keeps it warm till I turn it off.
add brown gravy mix. With the gravy mix only use 1 cup water for both packs to mix it then add it . Stir all together and let set on the warm setting for about another 30 Min's to thicken up and serve warm. Tonight ill be having it with cheese garlic bread, or at least garlic bread. I'm bad for forgetting to add the cheese. lol AND THAT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER!
quick easy and painless and a great dinner.