Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The list

List seems like they take to much time to use or make or a combination of both. I would love to be the one to tell you that is a myth one of the biggest you can tell your self. Next to I'll remember that I don't got to write that down. That kind of planning don't work for many people that I know. That kind of planning gets you behind then your at your wit's ends trying to play catch up. I've seen simple easy daily list's to one's that is just mind blowing. I'm going to show u the easiest list you can use on a daily basis.
Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
- Make Bed
-Swish & Swipe ( wipe out toilet with the brush and a cloth / rag in the bathroom sink)
-Empty Dishwasher or Dish rack
-Start Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)
-Check Your Calendar
-Check Your list.
 It's that simple for your morning.
then you take a relaxing brake get some lunch laugh with a friend, play a game, talk on the phone because you have the time to do it.
You know what your plans are you have a LIST.
Now you can move on to you're afternoon list its easier then the morning.
What's For Dinner? ( lay out you're meat or whatever you need too)
* Drink Your Water (8x 8oz glasses a day not at one time spread it out)
* Declutter for 15 Minutes ( get rid of junk, trash, any thing holding you down)
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)
 Now you done again. I see about what a hr of housework? Now you just relax why because you had a list of what to do. You can breath! You know your on track because of you're wonderful list.
Then after your rest then you can when dinner is over you can start you're before bed routine.
* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad ( that's were you place you're stuff for the next day )
-Where are your Keys?
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot ( were "stuff" gathered for the day )
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour
Whoa-la your done for the day. Yes I know your house is not perfect and like the wonderful FLYLADY says "It didn't get this way in one day it won't get clean in one day." But you can breath and if something comes up you know YOU know you can have company over , you can run a errand. You can start living and not just being and we all want that. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks great and you are so right the list and know that you have these routines in place will keep things from getting out of control when you don't have time to be home all day.
