Thursday, October 25, 2012


Ladies I got to tell you I have noticed something going on.
You are letting other people stealing your joy. You are letting other people to tell you how to color YOUR rainbow. Ladies remember it's YOUR rainbow. Only you can pick the colors.
Only  you can pick what colors you want to use.
Don't let your kids AND husband make you see RED.
Don't let the woman next door make you see green because of what she has or owns.
Stop being blue because that letter didn't come or someone said something.
Don't leave something in a gray area find out sometimes what you imagine is not what you thing it is.
Don't let how you see the world be told to you. You need to tell the world how to see you. You are a strong woman,who can change her world. Who can paint her own rainbows.
I guarantee that my rainbow will be a different color then yours, because my life is different then yours.
The one thing I know for sure is were all women who came looking for the same thing. A way of helping our family that we love. We all came looking for a fix that we are hoping to find.
We all became Flysisters because of FLYLADY.
We all come from diffent backgrounds country's and lifestyles, but we are loved. We love each other and that's what will color our raindows in the end. With our own colors.
If you want a nice facebook group to fly with you can join us at "Flying above the moon"

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Whats for dinner??

This is one of the most asked questions besides, " whats on your list today"? What's for dinner? Dinner is family time. A time we all get together and talk about our day. So today I'm going to show you whats for dinner in my house. Meat and potatoes stew. I'm using 2 great things my leftovers, and my crock pot.  We had ribs last night and had leftovers.
 So i just took the left overs and put them in the frig. In the crock pot. So today I just have to pot them back in the cooker. Then turn it back on and add the potatoes
 and 2 cups water
 and I just got to let them cook for 4 hrs on high. I love my crock pot it has a timer and at the end of the time it keeps it warm till I turn it off.
add brown gravy mix. With the gravy mix only use 1 cup water for both packs to mix it then add it . Stir all together and let set on the warm setting for about another 30 Min's to thicken up and serve warm. Tonight ill be having it with cheese garlic bread, or at least garlic bread. I'm bad for forgetting to add the cheese. lol AND THAT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER!
quick easy and painless and a great dinner.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Well...This is a personal blog today.
I joined Flylady because my house was so BAD that I didn't even want anyone in my house. I hit rock bottom....and the rocks was on top of me. I honestly thought only MY house was this bad. Only I could of failed my family like this. Then i went on a hunt...i was hunting for anything a magic fix. A hint in how i could fix myself. My house my family..but a instant fix was not there. :(
That's when I read Flylady I was a stalker at that point. I read her I researched her I ask people questions. I realized that she was who I needed. So I got her book and I studied it like my life depended on it and to me at the time it did. I had no idea were to really start..I cleaned my house 15 mins at a time for a week. 15 mins a day in each room. I had my baby steps list. I started to notice I was finding peace, my house was becoming calm. I was becoming a "flybabie". Well it's been a few yrs since I began my flying life style and one house move since ( that's a story for another blog) and I've still working on it some days are better then others. I have moved into whats called Zone work. ( In some rooms) I still see progress every day and everyday i still see more decluttering I need to do.  I would love to say I never fell off the wagon. I love to say that I never messed up or don't have days were I don't want to give up. THAT WOULD BE A BOLD FACE LIE TO YOU AND TO ME! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The list

List seems like they take to much time to use or make or a combination of both. I would love to be the one to tell you that is a myth one of the biggest you can tell your self. Next to I'll remember that I don't got to write that down. That kind of planning don't work for many people that I know. That kind of planning gets you behind then your at your wit's ends trying to play catch up. I've seen simple easy daily list's to one's that is just mind blowing. I'm going to show u the easiest list you can use on a daily basis.
Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
- Make Bed
-Swish & Swipe ( wipe out toilet with the brush and a cloth / rag in the bathroom sink)
-Empty Dishwasher or Dish rack
-Start Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)
-Check Your Calendar
-Check Your list.
 It's that simple for your morning.
then you take a relaxing brake get some lunch laugh with a friend, play a game, talk on the phone because you have the time to do it.
You know what your plans are you have a LIST.
Now you can move on to you're afternoon list its easier then the morning.
What's For Dinner? ( lay out you're meat or whatever you need too)
* Drink Your Water (8x 8oz glasses a day not at one time spread it out)
* Declutter for 15 Minutes ( get rid of junk, trash, any thing holding you down)
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)
 Now you done again. I see about what a hr of housework? Now you just relax why because you had a list of what to do. You can breath! You know your on track because of you're wonderful list.
Then after your rest then you can when dinner is over you can start you're before bed routine.
* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad ( that's were you place you're stuff for the next day )
-Where are your Keys?
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot ( were "stuff" gathered for the day )
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour
Whoa-la your done for the day. Yes I know your house is not perfect and like the wonderful FLYLADY says "It didn't get this way in one day it won't get clean in one day." But you can breath and if something comes up you know YOU know you can have company over , you can run a errand. You can start living and not just being and we all want that. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I hear a lot of ladies tell me all the time I'm running behind or getting behind. I can't catch up I can't do this or that. There's not enough hours in the day, the kids block me , my husband makes me slow. Well I'm here to tell you a nugget of advice that was told to me from FLYLADY YOUR NEVER BEHIND. Well I go a step further and tell people " YOUR never behind unless YOU don't get off YOUR behind." The way I see it is YOU never know what YOU can do or can't do if YOU don't try I DARE YOU TO TRY I dare YOU to move to get up to get going...ya I know YOU don't want to move I know YOU think why bother....I know every excuse YOU can give me....I know because I've used them, I been there....some days I want to crawl back into bed or cry if I even see another dirty dish or sock....I want to scream some days. I DARE YOU to get out of bed off the couch or the chair and move I triple dog dare YOU!!
I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot with lyrics

Monday, October 8, 2012

Just Jumping IN

Sometimes jumping in on days that just feel like you don't want to do anything is just a jump you got to make. No matter the stress and worries and hum-bug feelings you have, you got to take that JUMP!
You realize that once you take the jump you start to feel better about your house and how you feel.
It seems to give you that budge that you needed, but i will admit jumping in with friend's always is better then jumping in alone. You make a bigger splash. You feel better knowing that no matter were they are your friend's are there to help you out, sitting there giving you a laugh,a joke, sharing a cup of coffee or just cheering you on,even if there 1000's of miles away.Because no matter were we are we are all Flying above the Moon and trying to land in the stars<3

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Intro

this is my first attempt to blog please be kind Ty
i have a flying group of the most amazing group of women in my group and I'm going to try to explain what i do in my group and in my personal life........<3 
Flylady is the lady that turned my life around with house work and made it a lot calmer.....